This event took place at the Hotel Cidnay, St Tirso, on the 10th of January of 2008. This event had following agenda:

Continuous Innovation

» Innovating Operations Planning Systems, based on internet; » Electronic Systems for backing-up Digital Economics, Connecting clients and Suppliers- (SISTRADE) » Quality and Innovation Management Systems - (INESC)

Funding Opportunities through QREN - (EUVEO)

» Investigation and Development Funds (SI I&DT) » Qualification and Internationalization Processes Funds for SME (SI QPME) » Companies Innovation Processes Funds (SI Inovação)

This event was designed to divulge measures supported on last Founds Package from EEC to Portugal, QREN- Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (National Strategic Reference Board), which meant to supply Portuguese companies on tools and methodologies to support productivity growth and internationalization, in a global digital economics environment.

This event gave some more understanding about Portuguese Government Plan on Internationalization, Differentiation and Productivity Growth for Portuguese Economy.

Datum: Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2008