S.Day2021 - Digital Transformation and the Future of Companies

S.Day 2021 event held by SISTRADE on July 15th was not just a day to celebrate 20 years of activity. In fact, this initiative by SISTRADE had in its agenda the Digital Transformation, in the context of Industry 4.0, where it was possible to watch several presentations of innovative ideas and solutions, also favoring the interaction with SISTRADE customers and partners.

Hélder Martins, Printing & Packaging Manager of SISTRADE, opened the event, with a presentation on “Sistrade Solutions with thousands of users spread across 30 countries”, where he traced, since the foundation of SISTRADE, in 2000 on Porto, until the present.

The topic presented by SISTRADE's CEO, Sousa Ribeiro, was "Internal qualification and internationalization at SISTRADE in the last 10 years and perspectives for the coming years" where he pointed out, regarding the future, "the major challenges that SISTRADE face, challenges that involve directly to its employees and innovation as a permanent driver of development and competitiveness, without forgetting the global market that awaits for us”.

The day's technical sessions ended with the intervention of José Carlos Caldeira, ex-president of ANI and Administrator of INESC TEC, who reflected on “Digital Transformation: Opportunities for Industry”.

2021-9-22 Wednesday