You can increase your sales with an integrated system!

SISTRADE solution for sales management is not a traditional business management software, but an integrated system of management support that includes a variety of tools related to production management, supply management, financial management and even customer relationship management, by that means converging to good management, adding, connecting and complementing all the information. The accounting information is automatically associated to business and financial information of production and logistics is associated to business, information which allows the customer to make economic and financial analysis more efficient.

  • Offer/Estimate management
  • Dynamic price list
  • Order management
  • Multiple delivery plans by order
  • Multiple delivery addresses
  • Invoicing to an entity different from indicated in the order
  • Customer invoicing management
  • Handling of agent commission
  • Handling of sales commission
  • Send direct email, with message file in database
  • Ability to attach files, such as the customer order
  • Shipping management and control
  • Assisted issue of delivery notes


Offer Management

From a broader perspective of marketing communication with customers and for the customers who request quotations for various products, the reception of multiple estimates becomes difficult. In this sense, the offer management module, which allows grouping a set of estimates in one document, was developed. It enabled the communication with the customer to be referenced only by that entity/document. For each of the selected estimates, it is possible to set the currency and unit. Various estimates are grouped and may be sent as an email of the overall offer. It is possible to set a delivery schedule for each row, by time and destination. These settings will later be used by the logistics module to support the dispatch of the material.



The order module includes features related to the order management, allowing the retrieval of the list of orders by status, by agent, by salesperson, and to elaborate charts with sales analysis. The orders, according to the settings of the third party sheet, control the credit limit and associated limit, and where the limit is exceeded, the order cannot be approved for production until it is validated financially. Several types of costs can be associated in each order row and still several types of discounts. As in the estimate, the order is issued in the customer’s language and currency. For each row, it is possible to set a plan for deliveries, phased in time and destination. These settings will be later used by the logistics module, to support the dispatch of material. With the workflow system for order approval, it is possible to check every step of the order since its registration. There is also a reporting system where one can set alerts whenever a document changes status.



SISTRADE provides an invoicing module that allows a company to prepare and print invoices and sales charts. Apart from invoicing, the user can create pro-forma invoices, credit and debit notes, and other documents. The application makes a summary of the invoice where it is possible to make some adjustments regarding the final value. Using the feature of tracking documents, the user can control the documents generated by the sales module and view the list of JOs, customer’s orders or estimates.

This module enables defining an invoicing plan, where one can add at once several invoices that may come from different orders or job orders from the same entity. For that, it is necessary to select which orders should be charged and the system creates and sends invoices without human intervention.

The daily sales feature allows getting all the issued business documents with or without VAT. Through the application, it is possible to control all the shipped and invoiced jobs. The system allows sending electronic invoices through EDI, thus assuring that the documents are legal.

If necessary, SISTRADE has electronic invoicing solutions according to the legal terms. Sistrade® solution allows the issuing entity:

  • Issue the invoice;
  • Calculate the electronic invoice summary;
  • Encrypt the invoice summary with the Advanced Electronic Signature keys;
  • Send electronic invoices;
  • Archive electronic document, generating the corresponding indexing (with data demanded by the law) for later issuing of a periodic list of all the issued electronic invoices during a required period.

The solution allows the receiving entity to: 

  • Decrypt the summary;
  • Calculate a new summary over the received invoice;
  • Compare both summaries to validate with the received invoice;
  • Convert and integrate the received invoice data to the existing accounting system format.

SISTRADE has experience and know-how to work with the several standard protocols used for this electronic data exchange format in order to assure that the issued document (invoice) data are converted to the receiving system format and thus integrated.



This module is responsible for the management of finished goods shipment. This shipment may be inherent in the invoice itself when it is directly decreased in the finished products warehouse. The user may create delivery notes for suppliers and for customers. These delivery notes issue the exit of the material accounted as sale and record the quantities and the value. The supplier’s delivery notes are issued to follow material transportation.



Ability to view various sales reports, such as sales management and customer relationship management.

  • Sales journal
  • Annual sales report
  • Ranking of sales
  • Order portfolio
  • Document tracking
  • Sales by country
  • Employee performance
  • Profitability of work in progress
  • Report of commissions
  • Estimate response time
  • Sales report for a type of work
  • Week, month and annual invoicing development
  • Profitability of sales
  • Summary
  • Intrastat Report



All modules have the most relevant indicators to be presented for each area, such as the total of invoicing in sales, the occupation of the stocks in the warehouses, approved production orders in production, the total of debit and credit in accounting, the number of active employees in human resources and many others.

With this important tool, users can analyze important information of the company filtered by:

  • Week/month/quarter/semester/year/financial year and other periods
  • Client/vendor/country


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