Digital Transformation of your company

The digital transformation is unquestionably an urgent issue for printing and packaging industry companies today. In the current context, many companies were compelled to make a sudden jump in terms of technology in order to meet the market demands as well as the general trend for digital transformation which has made it a must rather than a choice. The path to digital transformation is rather challenging, however, the choice of right partners with an extensive experience in the area to divide and guide through different transformation process stages as well as to define the crucial areas that have to undergo the transformation is key to success.

The advantages of the digital transformation are many and among the important aspects that can be beneficial to the company’s day to day operations are better decision-making process, improved operational efficiency, optimization in organizational processes which results in the increase of client loyalty and market expansion.

Benefits of the digital transformation and the boost that they can give any company are very clear, the key solution and the first step towards the transformation process is the correctness and the instantaneity of data and information. For this, Sistrade® through IoT (Internet of Things) with the huge amounts of data collected throughout the company: from sensors, other systems or software leads the companies, through learning, to the autonomous or near-autonomous production processes resulting in highly automated production and material handling, warehousing operation with hardly any human intervention thus increasing operational machine time and production efficiency. The real-time connectivity and communication across different departments, as well as real-time communication with customers and suppliers shortens the response and delivery time while real-time metrics on dynamic dashboards support quick decision making. To create transparency in Job Order tracking during the entire production process from estimate, order, to job order in the production and shipping Sistrade® is able to provide all the details in a digital job order.

The Big data and the need for its analysis almost instantly is increasing in the companies day by day. Real-time monitoring of all the operation areas allows reducing costs on account of shorter production time and having more accurate and reliable information from different areas within the company. Efficient data management is the foundation to ensure the flow of information across the different areas and departments of the company and the key to success in the digital transformation process. It results in quick decision making and thus a faster detection of bottlenecks and increase in equipment availability, less waste, assisted calculation of industrial costs, overall improvement of industrial productivity and in itself – an improved customer service.

2020-12-15 Tuesday