CELSA - Conductores Eléctricos Lima S.A., one of the main manufacturers of electrical conductors in Peru, has been at the forefront of the industry, known for its commitment to quality and innovation. To maintain its competitive edge and manage the growing complexity of its operations, CELSA was looking for a robust solution that could streamline its business processes and improve operational efficiency. As a result, they chose Sistrade MIS|ERP software for its comprehensive capabilities and proven success in the industrial sector.

Sistrade MIS|ERP software offers CELSA a fully integrated system to manage all its business and production processes in one platform. The software's ability to parameterize processes and job types meant that CELSA could tailor the system to its specific operational needs. This adaptability ensures the software can accommodate the diverse range of products and processes within CELSA's production environment.

The Sistrade MIS|ERP implementation improved communication and coordination across departments, ensuring that CELSA continues to deliver high-quality products to its customers while driving innovation in the electrical conductors industry. This case study exemplifies how Sistrade MIS|ERP software can support companies in the industrial sector to achieve operational excellence and sustained growth.


CELSA - Conductores Eléctricos Lima S.A.