CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, is a Portuguese research institution recognized worldwide for its innovative work in the field of marine and environmental sciences. With a diverse team of researchers, scientists, and administrative staff, CIIMAR faced challenges in managing its human resources efficiently. To address these challenges, CIIMAR implemented the Human Resource Management (HRM) module of Sistrade software, seeking to streamline HR processes and enhance overall operational efficiency.

The Sistrade Human Resource Management solution offers CIIMAR a comprehensive solution to manage its human resources activities, including recruitment, payroll, performance evaluation, and employee development. The module's user-friendly interface and web-based architecture enable seamless access and interaction for both HR personnel and employees. This accessibility was crucial for CIIMAR, given its need to coordinate HR activities across multiple departments and research teams.

With the implementation of Sistrade HRM module, CIIMAR was able to automate many of its HR processes, reducing the administrative burden on its HR team and minimizing the risk of errors. The system's advanced features allowed for efficient tracking of employee performance, streamlined payroll processing, and effective management of recruitment activities. Additionally, the module's robust reporting capabilities provide CIIMAR with valuable insights into workforce trends and performance metrics, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.


CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental