Gráficas Jomagar, S.L. started its activity as a printing company since 1960 and since then has strengthened its position on the national and international offset market.

The company has always shown a great concern with the latest technologies, services and constant commitment to quality. The company’s current technology and production capacity allow offering customers high-quality products in a very short time.

The dedication to its customers and the aim to provide high-quality products has led Gráficas Jomagar to consider implementing ERP system. The company has chosen Sistrade® MIS|ERP solution which was able to meet all the requirements of the company. Sistrade® MIS|ERP provides the possibility to integrate all the information from different departments in only one system and gives each user all the information they need at every moment.

Interview with Gráficas Jomagar in La Prensa Magazine [Original PDF]

The printing house Gráficas Jomagar implemented the integrated management system ERP Sistrade®

Gráficas Jomagar relies on Sistrade® MIS|ERP system for management

Gráficas Jomagar, a company located in Madrid with more than sixty years of experience in the printing industry market, has recently implemented process-oriented business management solution MIS (Management Information System) | ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) developed by SISTRADE.

“The imperative need for cost management, customer service and control of margins and processes were the main reasons why we decided to implement a system with these features,” says Javier Matías, general manager of Gráficas Jomagar. “Nowadays, process optimization is a key element in our business,” he continues.

The global solution for business management

Sistrade® MIS|ERP system is a technological solution that offers medium and large companies the basic functions of estimating, order management, purchasing, stocks, production management, accounting, and other features.

In addition, it is a web-oriented application, which makes it possible to access information from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection and a browser. Sistrade® MIS|ERP solution is available in several languages simultaneously, allowing companies in the printing industry to sell their products in different countries.

“Although the implementation of an ERP system such as Sistrade in a company with the size and complexity of Gráficas Jomagar has been a long and sometimes complicated process, mainly due to staff training and the need for coexistence with the ERP to be replaced during a period of time,” - explains Javier Matías - “at all times we have had the support and full involvement of the team assigned by SISTRADE to our project.”

Currently, Sistrade® ERP is already working at Gráficas Jomagar in the areas of estimating, technical area, warehouse and purchases. “For us, the fact of being able to give a service of estimating to our clients as they are expecting from us, was the key at the time of making the decision”, says the manager of the printing company from Madrid. “We are very satisfied with the results obtained from the implementation of Sistrade management system and we continue to study formulas to improve processes and simplify their integration,” concludes Javier Matías.

Over 60 years in the sector

Gráficas Jomagar began its activity in 1955, always focused on the commercial sector, and in 1998 installed the first rotary offset printing machine. Since then, the confidence in the human team, the concern with the latest technologies, the unquestionable vocation of service and the constant commitment to quality have made the presence of Gráficas Jomagar on the national and international offset market possible.

Currently, “the company has production in digital, flat and rotary machines” in the facilities of more than 10,000 square meters and offers its clients high quality in a very short time thanks to its technology and production capacity: “more than 4,900.000 sheets daily, 30% of which are aimed at export, mainly to France, Portugal, and the United Kingdom.”

The company is dedicated to the production of books, catalogues, brochures, magazines and all kinds of commercial products “managing the process from the creation to distribution” highlights Javier Matías. For this, the printing house has its own department of graphic projects, responsible for design and creativity, layout, colour tests, and final artwork; a prepress area from which, due to the incorporation of the latest technologies; more than thirty sheet-printing units and several 5-colour presses of the latest generation that endorse the capacity of production in addition to robotic systems of changes of plates, formats and cleaning of the machines that reduce printing times; as well as a complete department of binding and post-press that allows providing high-quality post-press services within a short time.


Jomagar - Artes Gráficas