RPO - Produções Gráficas, a company dedicated to the graphic execution of commercial printing and publications, faced the challenge of optimizing its operations to maintain competitiveness in the printing industry. Recognizing the need for advanced management and operational tool, RPO implemented some of Sistrade’s software modules, including Estimating, Stocks Management, and MES.

SISTRADE collaborated closely with RPO's team to customize each module according to its business requirements, minimizing disruption during the implementation phase. Since implementing Sistrade MIS|MES software, RPO has achieved significant improvements in operational efficiency and cost management. The Estimating module has enabled RPO to simplify quotation processes, improve accuracy in cost calculations, and increase customer responsiveness. Meanwhile, Stock Management has optimized inventory levels, reducing excess stock and procurement costs and the MES module has improved operational efficiency.

Currently, RPO remains committed to leveraging the advanced capabilities of Sistrade software to drive further operational improvements and innovation.


RPO - Produções Gráficas
RPO - Produções Gráficas