Sulpastéis, a renowned company in the frozen food industry, recognized the need to streamline its human resource management to support its growing workforce and enhance overall efficiency. To achieve this, Sulpastéis partnered with SISTRADE to implement the Human Resource Management (HRM) module.

Since deploying the Sistrade software HRM module, Sulpastéis has experienced significant improvements in its HR operations. The centralized employee management system has streamlined administrative tasks, reducing paperwork and manual errors. Automated payroll processing and attendance tracking have improved accuracy and efficiency, saving valuable time for the HR team. Additionally, the performance evaluation tools have provided better insights into employee performance, enabling more informed decision-making and enhancing overall workforce productivity.

Looking forward, Sulpastéis is committed to leveraging the Sistrade HRM module to drive continuous improvement and support its strategic HR goals. Sistrade MIS|ERP allows Sulpastéis to adapt to evolving HR needs and expand their operations while maintaining high standards of employee management and satisfaction.

