Both objectives were accomplished. In fact, markets like eastern European countries are looking for management tools that can bring optimization to their processes and, in consequence, differentiate them from central European competitors companies. Most prospects visiting our stand didn’t know there were such integrated tools, running on internet/intranet environment, embracing all processes, from estimating to delivery, crossing CRM and BSC. “This kind of investments, ERP|MIS systems, are at same level as machinery acquisition, or even more important, considering the strategy point of view!”, considered most of those managers. For central and northern European countries managers, go web is the big challenge, once “old” technology (server/client) is not fulfilling their needs.

For those who knew SISTRADE, integrated workflow for MRPII (from estimating to planning at large scale, considering material and resources needs and availability) was the most exciting new. “SISTRADE is fitter than ever!”, they say…

Date: Saturday, September 1, 2007


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