Project name | Circthread

Project code | 958448

Main objective | Circthread Project intends to unlock access to product data and use it for enhanced CE decision making across the product life cycle. This project will enable to capture and share both data and CE decisions as part of a collaborative information infrastructure, providing a Circular product chain of custody. Information covering product status, materials, resources, critical raw materials, product lifespan, environmental, social, end-of-use options, that will be linked to Circularity Strategies, from products maintenance and lifespan extension, to refurbishment, repair and re-use, re-manufacturing and finally recycling. The project will test 7 distinct use cases: Product tracking and tracing, product manufacturing, spare parts recovery, end of use aspects, lifespan extension, critical raw materials and chemicals, consumer´s behavior. The use cases address economic, environmental, circularity and social aspects.

Start date | 15/06/2021

End date | 30/05/2025

Total eligible cost | 9.883.198,00€

Financial support from the European Union| 7.994.956,00€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results:

Develop a digital thread across the product life cycle with accessible information.Provide integrated life cycle sustainability and circularity assessment methodologies. Support sustainability and circularity assessment standards in Europe. Empower companies, consumers and consumer organizations. Evaluate product re-use and recycling, for policy monitoring.

Provide consumers with information on mobile devices on WEEE collection & repair options.Enable a further shift to product as a service business models by OEMs. Improved pre-selection of WEEE for different processes to improve separation. Evaluations of the potential yield of new recycling technologies and their cost. Provide feedback from collectors and recyclers to OEM designers.

International Project Insertion: This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 programme under Grant Agreement No. 958448.

More information on the international project can be found at Circ Thread

Project name | SeCoIIA

Project code | 871967

Main objective | SeCoIIA aims at securing digital transition of manufacturing industry towards more connected, collaborative, flexible and automated production techniques. It fosters user-driven application cases from aeronautics, automotive and naval construction sectors. Collaboration is considered from Organization to Organization, but also from Machine to Machine, Machine to Human and Human to Human perspectives. Also the increased reliance on machine-learning based decision making, sets a technical challenge in terms of security assurance and a legal challenge in terms of accountability and law enforcement. These are the challenges that SeCoIIA intends to address through the development of 12 key capabilities which will be assessed in various configurations through 3 ambitious demonstration campaigns lead by pilot users.

Start date | 01/12/2019

End date | 01/06/2022

Total budget | 5.990.240,00€

Granted funding| 5.898.740,00€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results:

The key goals addressed by SeCoIIA are (i) to secure the adoption of smart collaborative manufacturing techniques by European Transport Systems Manufacturing Industries, (ii) to identify and prevent threats to collaborative manufacturing environments, build, sustain and exchange smart OT security knowledge and know-how, (iii) to create trust across smart manufacturing value chain, secure access to dynamic collaborative Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) services, (iv) to detect and react in collaboration, improve OT intrusion detection accuracy, reduce decision time and response cost, improve coordination of safety and security teams and (v) to empower and responsibilize key actors of the manufacturing value chain, secure machine decision making, adapt regulatory framework and enforce the law.

International Project Insertion: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871967

More information on the international project can be found at SeCoIIA

Project name | MIRICLE

Project code | Project EDIDP-UCCRS-MCM-2020-061-MIRICLE

Main objective | The objective of the European consortium led by Naval Group and ECA Robotics also known as Miricle project is to answer the high level requirements of this EDIDP Call through a series of targeted activities ranging from studies up to prototyping, leading to the development of a scalable and interoperable multiple Maritime Autonomous System This European MCM Future System will be therfore designed with incremental capabilities to build successive Toolboxes n.0 and Intelligent Platforms in the twenty forthcoming years in order to tackle today’s limitations and shortfalls as well as future challenges of mine countermeasures (evolving mine threats, operational efficiency and safety).

Start date | TBA

End date | TBA+24M

Total budget | 9.804.192,00€

Granted funding| 8.999.661,00€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results:

Leaning upon existing assets, MIRICLE shall draw a technological development roadmap to developand integrate enhanced mine countermeasure (MCM) capabilities into Member States’ procurement plans and pave the way for the upcoming European Defence Fund (EDF). European Navies will thusbenefit from the highest and most interoperable MCM military capabilities, according to NATO standards. MIRICLE will enable significant improvements to carry out all mine countermeasuresmissions. These innovations will address the main components of the stand-off mine warfare solution such as MCM Vessel and robots within Toolbox, mission system, communication network,and artificial intelligence for decision making.

For this ambitious objective, MIRICLE will benefit from the operational and programmatic contribution of the Member States (e.g Belgium and The Netherlands), cooperating in the context of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). In addition to this military expertise, MIRICLE brings altogether 19 partners (10 EU Member States with Belgium as lead sponsor), with academics, research centres, industries from world leaders in the naval and/or robotics field to small players pushing innovations. Future MCM capabilities require numerous industrial skills, which Europe owns: underwater sensors, data processing, Artificial Intelligence and big data components, unmanned vehicles, launch and recovery systems, naval shipbuilding…). MIRICLE gathers this expertise, bringing MCM solutions to a higher degree of maturity. Altogether, all partners will assess the threats, seek strategies, de-risk disruptive technological solutions and design new operational scenarios.

International Project Insertion: MIRICLE project has received funding from the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) under grant agreement No [Project EDIDP-UCCRS-MCM-2020-061-MIRICLE]

More information on the international project can be found at MIRICLE