Project name | SISTRADE – Hiring of Highly Qualified Human Resources

Project code | NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000022

Main objective | Hiring of 6 Highly Qualified Human Resources in order to achieve the company’s strategic innovation plan

Region of intervention | North of Portugal


Date of approval | 05-07-2019

Start date | 01-11-2019

End date | 31-10-2022

Total eligible cost | 605.909,00 €

Financial support from the European Union | ESF – 302.954,50€


  • • Building Sistrade capacity in cutting-edge areas of knowledge that can bring competitive advantages in terms of product and service;
  • • Strengthening collaboration with external institutions (National Scientific System, Interface Institutes and companies) in order to promote the joint capabilities and competitiveness of Sistrade products and services;
  • • Anticipating the potentially disruptive technology and market changes, being prepared to take advantage of them;
  • • The Sistrade innovation potential increase projection in terms of market and financial results, rendered by the gain of market share and alignment of products with greater incorporation of advanced technology and greater value for the customer.


Hiring 6 Highly Qualified Human Resources with different levels of qualification and profile in order to ensure the strategic innovation plan for the company:






Project name | Cyber Factory #1 PT - Development capabilities to foster optimization and resilience of the Factory of the Future

Project code | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-040124

Main objective | The need to conciliate optimization and cyber & physical security in FoF, offering a set of functionalities that take into consideration the technical, operational, and human behaviour aspects.

Region of intervention | North of Portugal


Date of approval | 22/05/2019

Start date | 01/07/2019

End date | 30/06/2022

Total eligible cost | 494.460,16 €

Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 350.950,87€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: Modelling and simulation of FoF:

    • • Contribute to a better understanding of manufacturing processes, including the data acquisition and flows of the entire manufacturing context;
    • • Cyber-physical system modelling;
    • • Human behaviour system modelling;
    • • Develop a simulation platform that allows the representation of the entire manufacturing process through digital models, the so-called “digital twins”, linked to the real process;
    • • Use the simulation platform for testing and decision support for FoF optimization and resilience;

FoF Optimisation:

    • • Extend data collection to the entire manufacturing environment;
    • • Develop context characterization services;
    • • Develop intelligent services that provide knowledge to the end user and that support the development of optimization and self-improvement mechanisms;
    • • Develop distributed manufacturing optimization methodologies;

FoF cyber security and resilience:

    • • Implement authentication solutions;
    • • Develop intrusion detection mechanisms, minimising false positives;
    • • Perform correlation of cyber and physical events;
    • • Define and implement rules for sending alerts and alarms;
    • • Develop decision support mechanisms for FoF resilience.

The CyberFactory#1 project goes beyond traditional approaches/architectures by specifying and developing a set of key features divided into 3 categories:

    • 1) Modelling and simulation
    • 2) Production optimisation
    • 3) Resilience Increase and comprising 4 organizational dimensions:
    • 1) Technical, 2) Economic, 3) Human and 4) Social.


The Cyber Factory#1 PT Project is linked to the objectives of the European project17032 CyberFactory#1 (coordinated by Airbus Cyber Security, France, through its subsidiary Cassadian Cyber Security), approved in Call 3 of the ITEA3 program, EUREKA cluster:

Activity 1: Project Management
Activity 2: Use Cases and Requirements
Activity 3: Modelling and Simulation of FoF
Activity 4: Optimisation and self-improvement in FoF
Activity 5: Resilience and dynamic risk management in FoF
Activity 6: Integration and Demonstration
Activity 7: Impact Management





Project name | PIANiSM - Predictive and Prescriptive Automation in Smart Manufacturing

Project code | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-040125

Main objective | Reinforce research, technological development and innovation

Region of intervention | Norte


Date of approval | 14/06/2019

Start date | 01/07/2019

End date | 30/06/2022

Total eligible cost | 662.943,49 €

Financial support from the European Union | ERDF – 447.350,64€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: The Predictive Maintenance solution aims to meet the needs of industry 4.0, namely:

  • • Implementation of an infrastructure capable of supporting the requirements of the PdM strategy in terms of data storage, analysis capabilities and ease of transition to the PdM strategy;
  • • Ability to discover relations between:
    • o Equipment and the manufacturing environment
    • o Equipment and external factors
    • o Internal equipment components
  • • The creation of a transition roadmap for PdM methodologies, both for manufacturing companies and for technology suppliers;
  • • Application of reusable models for different industries;
  • • Search for standards common to different industries;
  • • Integration of specialized domain knowledge, namely ERP in the PdM process;
  • • A layered structure to support all the stages of companies’ digital transformation.

The PIANiSM Project is linked to the objectives of the European project 17008 PIANiSM (coordinated by KoçSistem, Turkey, approved in Call 4 of the ITEA3 program, EUREKA cluster:

Activity 1: Project Management, Exploration and Dissemination
Activity 2: Use Cases and Requirements
Activity 3: Platform Architecture and Implementation
Activity 4: Data Acquisition, Detection, Monitoring and Processing
Activity 5: Analysis, Algorithms and Decision Making
Activity 6: Demonstration on Industrial Scale





Project name | SPEAR - Smart Prognosis of Energy with Allocation of Resources

Project code | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-040224

Main objective | Design and development of a software solution that supports the management and scheduling of production lines and processes taking into account the existing criteria and requirements (namely the production objectives) minimizing the energy costs.

Region of intervention | North of Portugal


Date of approval | 22/05/2019

Start date | 01/07/2019

End date | 30/09/2020

Total eligible cost | 485.429,60 €

Financial support from the European Union | ERDF– 338.883,95€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: The main objective of the project is design and development of a software solution that supports the management and scheduling of production lines and processes taking into account the existing criteria and requirements (namely the production objectives) minimizing the energy costs. The solution will allow the minimization of electricity costs, without jeopardizing production objectives. It will also provide good scheduling solutions for production lines in adverse situations (internal or external the industrial installation failures), minimizing their negative impacts.

The SPEAR Project is linked to the objectives of the European project 16001 SPEAR, approved in Call 4 of the ITEA3 program, cluster EUREKA:

Activity 0: Defining scenarios and analysing requirements
Activity 1: Creation, distribution and scalability of energy models
Activity 2: Efficient energy data collection
Activity 3: Optimization of energy consumption in production lines
Activity 4: Optimization platform design and APIs
Activity 5: Demonstrator testing and execution
Activity 6: Dissemination and exploitation
Activity 7: Project coordination and management





Project name | INVALUE - Eco-efficiency and Industrial Preventive Maintenance Services Platform

Project code | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-017990

Main objective | Development of an open platform for the integrated sharing of information services that assists the entire process of data management and decision making, according to the current industrial domains, throughout the entire value chain, in the areas of Predictive Maintenance and Eco-efficiency.

Region of intervention| North of Portugal

Financier Program | Norte 2020 

Beneficiary |

Date of approval | 31/07/2016

Start date | 16/06/2016

End date | 15/12/2018

Total eligible cost| 808.881,28€

Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 588.143,39€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: The main objective of the INVALUE project is to support the adaptation of companies to new paradigms in the field of Proactive Good Practices, with the development of an open platform for the integrated sharing of information services that assists the entire process of data management and according to current industrial domains, throughout the value chain.  

The platform resulting from the project will be able to collect data and turn it into useful information for the end user to use in decision making. This decision-making will focus on two main areas:
- Predictive Maintenance
- Eco-efficiency

The project is based on a methodology that includes performing 6 activities:
Activity 1: Gestão do projeto
Activity 2:Technical/Project Specifications
Activity 3: Development
Activity 4: Construction of Prototypes
Activity 5: Tests and trials
Activity 6: Dissemination and Exploitation





Project name | MAPPLE – Production Planning with Energy Optimization

Project code | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-017817

Main objective | Demonstrate, in a real use environment, an innovative production planning solution with energy optimization and optimized setups management.

Region of intervention | North of Portugal

Financier Program | Norte 2020

Beneficiary |

Date of approval | 23/07/2016

Start date | 01/09/2016

End date | 28/02/2018

Total eligible cost | 390.018,64€

Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 255.023,06€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: MAPPLE project aims to develop a solution, consisting of a computer application - Energy Optimization Module, which will be integrated with SISTRADE ERP, and a Setups module, methodologically.
The final objective of the project is the demonstration in a real production environment of the technical and economic viability of the solution dedicated to the planning of the production with energy optimization and reduction of the setup times, which was based on the results of PRODUTECH - Class of algorithms for robust scheduling in the environments of small series; New service of study, evaluation and technological audit to reduce setup times and Setup Automation Systems and Strategies, in a reference organization in the field of flexible packaging – VIZELPAS.

The project is based on a methodology that includes performing 5 activities:
Activity 1: Definition of requirements and installation of the base solution in the pilot project
Activity 2: Technical specifications and solution development
Activity 3: Industrial demonstration in the demonstrator
Activity 4: Promotion and disclosure of results
Activity 5: Tests and trials





Project name | NIS – Núcleo Investigação Sistrade

Project code | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-021958

Main objective | Creation and dynamization of R&D structure in a collaborative, consistent and formal way, between SISTRADE and the entities of the National Scientific Technological System (STCN), INEGI and ISEP, at least between 2016 and 2019, with the materialization of R&D nucleus project and complemented with projects involving fellows and masters (master theses) between STCN entities and SISTRADE resident students.

Region of intervention | North of Portugal

Financier Program | COMPETE2020
                                      Norte 2020

Beneficiary |

Date of approval | 22/12/2016

Start date | 01/02/2017

End date | 31/01/2020

Total eligible cost | 635.597,64€

Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 401.350,72€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: The specific objectives of the R&D Nucleus are duly articulated with SISTRADE strategic objectives and business development strategy, aiming at an adequate operationalization and execution of the project so that both objectives and results are achieved. The specific objectives are grouped into four groups, according to the thematic areas associated with each activity:

O-ESP1: Development of intelligent algorithms to be applied in industrial processes
O-ESP2: Development of augmented reality solutions in an industrial environment
O-ESP3: Development of application usability solutions for the context of Industry 4.0.
O-ESP4: Development of strategic R&D roadmap

The project is based on a methodology that includes performing 5 activities:
Activity 1: Intelligent algorithms in industrial business processes
Activity 2: Augmented reality in an industrial environment
Activity 3: Application usability in the context of Industry 4.0
Activity 4: Technical management and Roadmap
Activity 5: Promotion and dissemination of results





Project name | EASIER - hEalth And wellneSs promotIng gamE platfoRm

Project code | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-072637

Main objective | Strengthening research, technological development and innovation

Development of an integrated digital platform (PDI), with innovative features, that uses gamification, the theory of fun and the link with the territory as a way to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviours of the population, namely those with overweight and obesity problems.

Region of intervention | North of Portugal

Funding Programme | COMPETE2020
                                              Norte 2020

Beneficiary  |

Date of approval | 29/07/2021

Start date | 01/07/2021

End date | 30/06/2023

Total eligible cost  | 789.298,70€

Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 554.147,64€

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: The project consists in the creation of an integrated digital platform, consisting of layers of modelling, monitoring, inference and visualization, endowed with a functional structure for the creation of an App, which will be the visible face for the user to select (or can be automatically selected based on geolocation) the game created under the trail where he is. The game will correspond to an experience, immersive, using Augmented Reality and physical and mental challenges. Each experience will be based on concrete physical paths (natural and urban), selected according to a set of parameters that the platform identifies, and to which the user can add/select objectives, degree of difficulty, among a variety of available parameters, and whose objectives are: to enhance the positive effect on the physical and mental health of each player and improve the individual experience, from the point of view of its attractiveness. The priority target audience of this project is overweight individuals, including obesity, children and adolescents between 6 and 14 years old and pre- and young seniors between 60 and 69 years old. With the ambition that the platform becomes applicable in a macro context, at European level, during the testing phase, the experiments to be carried out will be forced in a more limited universe, the NUT III Douro. This decision is due to three factors: it is the area where two of the partners promoting the project are located, it is part of the Northern region, the region with the highest prevalence of overweight (including obesity) in children, and has high numbers of elderly population.