Optimize your company's inventory management

ERP|MIS of SISTRADE's procurement management software is essential for the efficient management of your company, with a direct impact on operational and financial results. In a competitive market, it is vital to have a fast and efficient system that supports purchasing decisions, aiming at inventory optimization and strict control of the purchasing process.

Why Sistrade Stocks & Purchases Management module?

> Reduction of time consumed
> Customized and versatile solutions
> User friendly
> Good cost opportunity
> Management tools via web provide total control of all processes regardless of geographical location
> Understand data to capture the 360º view of the company through Dynamics Dashboards



Improve pricing and supplier contract management by accessing all the information you need to make informed decisions about your supply chain.

  • Interactive management of suppliers and their contracts
  • Dynamic price lists by product and supplier
  • Proposal analysis and supplier selection
  • Automatic conversion of proposals into purchase orders
  • Issuing purchase orders after authorization of internal requests
  • Integration with purchase orders from suppliers
  • Management of subcontracting services and products



Plan material requirements and purchase orders with an advanced algorithm, ensuring component and material availability.

  • Material requirements planning
  • Selection and reservation of materials
  • Calculation of purchasing and production requirements
  • Calculation of purchase and manufacturing dates and deadlines
  • Alerts for possible non-conformities in customer delivery times
  • Dynamic tracking of changes in reservations or purchase values



Automate the analysis of warehouse needs and create purchase orders for your suppliers to ensure the best combination of prices and delivery times.

  • Analysis of warehouse needs, with alerts for stock replenishment
  • Issuing material requisitions
  • Approval and sending of purchase orders to the supplier
  • Management of subcontracting and sending of material
  • Reception and valorization of transformed material
  • Registration of supplier invoices and integration into current accounts



Complete stock lifecycle coverage ensures full, real-time control of your inventory, optimizing processes and driving your business growth.

  • Consultation and control of material receipts
  • Stock update and correction
  • Analysis of movements by product
  • Outputs for production and returns
  • Safety stock alert
  • Multi-warehouse management and item location



Gain valuable insights into multiple business areas and maximize your company's operational efficiency with access to detailed, real-time reports.

  • Inventory of materials and finished products
  • Needs analysis, purchases and purchase orders
  • Current account for materials and articles
  • Returns to suppliers
  • Consumption of raw materials
  • Stock forecast
  • Batch traceability


Transform your company's inventory management with Sistrade's Stock and Purchasing Management software. Discover how our MIS|ERP system automates processes and ensures sustainable growth for your business.
For more information, contact us or schedule a demonstration of our ERP|MIS software.


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Watch the solution of Stocks & Purchases Management:



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