You can Improve your Management decisions on time!

Stocks and Purchases Management is crucial, as the performance in this area has direct outcomes in financial and operational results. The adoption of a faster, simpler and flexible stocks & purchase tool solution is essential to support the decision to buy, what to buy, from whom and in what quantities. SISTRADE provided to its customers a system for stocks and purchases management flexible, with exponential solutions, adjustable to accommodate your company rules and create an actual generation of business management scenario for a faster and more stable growth of your enterprise.

Why Sistrade Stocks & Purchases Management module?

> Reduction of time consumed
> Customized and versatile solutions
> User friendly
> Good cost opportunity
> Management tools via web provide total control of all processes regardless of geographical location
> Understand data to capture the 360º view of the company through Dynamics Dashboards


Supplier Management

Supplier Management is responsible for managing suppliers' prices. Through supplier management, your company can see all information to support the supply chain decisions as well as the internal data from its suppliers.

  • Interactive management of suppliers and supply contracts management
  • Sub-families of materials supplied
  • Catalogue of items supplied
  • Price catalogue
  • Definition of dynamic price lists by product rules and by the supplier
  • Automatic or semi-automatic transmission of price queries to suppliers
  • Analysis of offer responses and selection of suppliers based on pre-established criteria
  • Conversion of selected offer to purchase order to the supplier
  • Creating internal requests through the selection of authorized order
  • Prepare and issue purchase orders to satisfy the previously authorized internal requests
  • Make a fast request quotation
  • Integration with the registration of orders to suppliers
  • Subcontracting management, either in the perspective of outsourced services or products


MRP - Material Requirements Planning

Material Requirements Planning is an analysis program with an algorithm that allows purchase planning and inventory control. This means that it is a time-phased priority planning technique to determine what material should be ordered and when. This tool is organized in logical stages to ensure the availability of components, materials, and products to create automatic job orders for production.

Orders -> Job orders

  • Material Requirements
    • Selected materials to be used
  • Bill of materials
  • Reserve of material
  • Purchase needs
    • Calculation of purchase and production needs
    • Calculation of dates and their linking by lead times of purchase and manufacturing
    • Recalculation of dates and their notices to the user of the possible non-compliance of delivery deadlines to the customer of the final product

Other features

  • Suggested order fulfilment and the minimum stocks
  • Suggested material reserves
  • Grouping of materials to decrease production downtime through reduction of setup time
  • Dynamic tracking: consequences of changes in reserves or purchase values
  • Dynamic 3D chart with charges of machines vs available time


Purchase Management

In purchase management, the system analyzes the needs of a warehouse warning for stock replacement. You can require a purchase and through the list of needs, the system issues the purchase to the supplier. The purchases could be controlled through an analysis of the status of order fulfilment. The application can issue statements with deliveries of materials and their barcodes to be used at the reception of the material. By reading the bar code system records the entry of the material, automatically rendered in stock movements. 

Needs analysis

  • Analysis of the warehouse needs
  • Warning for stock replacement
  • Material requisitions


  • Approve purchase orders
  • Distribution plan by date or by warehouse
  • Dispatch of the purchase order to the supplier
  • Sending directly by e-mail

Subcontracting management

  • Sending material to the subcontractor
  • Transformed material reception
  • Delivery performance
  • Appreciation of material received from the subcontractor

Supplier invoice

  • Registered invoices received from suppliers
  • Integrated with the current accounts
  • Available for payments by the treasury


Stocks Management

Stocks management by Sistrade® MIS|ERP provides real-time monitoring and maximizes your benefits from just in time inventory. It is a complete stocks solution that covers the entire stock business cycle in order to accelerate the growth of your business and control all aspects of your inventory.

  • Available stock
  • Control of receptions
  • Stock update
  • Perform various types of queries to the inventory
  • Analyze and search movements per product
  • Search lot divisions
  • Outputs to production and returns
  • Stock correction
  • Inventory with information on stocks, purchases, consumption and adjustment of stocks
  • Details of material cost by production stage
  • Scheduled delivery list, material pending delivery in the warehouse or to restore the minimum stock
  • Safety stock alert
  • Multiple warehouse
  • Warehouse article tracking
  • Check the material entries in real-time
  • Direct entry of the registered quantities
  • Material reception record and further confirmation
  • Record the reception of product/service orders from suppliers
  • Movement record of stocks material consists of using a set of locations labelled with barcodes
  • Reception confirmation


Manufacturing Costing

Valuation Modes
To value the exits and transfers of raw and WIP materials it is necessary to set the valuation mode associated with each article/group of articles. This definition is used for each stock movement and focuses on one of the four possible valuation modes:

  • Average article price
  • Average warehouse price
  • Purchase price
  • Standard cost

The defined mode is responsible for obtaining the unit cost of the materials incorporated in the different job orders throughout the production process.

Valuation Criteria
In terms of article stock movement, all movements are valued, according to the stock entry or exit valuation method. The definition of the valuation method must be made according to each business process.

Cost Definition
Regardless of the valuation system adopted, it is important that there is a correct definition of all direct costs. These costs represent the cost per hour of all resources involved in the operations. Labour costs should only be recalculated when there is a revision or initial definition of the cost of employees. To these costs, the material incorporation costs and the subcontracting costs that influence the material costs are added. Other costs incurred on the resource (economic operating costs) must be incorporated in the calculation of the hourly cost of the machine.

[see more]



Sistrade® solution provides various standard reports for all of the areas of the ERP allowing quick access to key information on the company. Here are some examples of reports:

Purchases Management

  • Supplier prices catalogue
  • Needs analysis
  • Purchase analysis and purchase orders
  • Purchase by material
  • Purchase by material type
  • Indicators of purchase management
  • Subcontracting costs
  • Control of supplier invoices

Stocks Management

  • Inventory
  • Material current account
  • Movement summary
  • Lot search
  • Stock search & forecast
  • Consumption control
  • Outputs for production
  • Material lot traceability
  • Prices of lots
  • Finished products
  • Shipping
  • Return to customer



All modules have the most relevant indicators to be presented for each area, such as the total of invoicing in sales, the occupation of the stocks in the warehouses, approved production orders in production, the total of debit and credit in accounting, the number of active employees in human resources and many others.

With this important tool, users can analyze important information about the company filtered by:

  • Week/month/quarter/semester/year/financial year and other periods
  • Client/vendor/country


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